Alexander Fitzgerald
Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald turned pro in 2006 out of high school. Since then he has won WCOOP and SCOOP events while also final tabling WPT and EPT events. Off the felt, Alexander Fitzgerald is considered one of the most influential coaches in the game, specializing in teaching low-to-mid stakes players.
Poker players make mistakes. All the time. And the mistakes they make are predictable and exploitable. The problem is, most people don't know what these mistakes are! No longer. In this book, the highly experienced professional player and leading poker coach, Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald identifies and analyzes the 100 BIGGEST mistakes that poker players make. Your opponents are certainly perpetuating these errors but you may be making some of them too. This book shows you how to identify and fix these leaks in your own game and also how to exploit the other players who are making them. If you can avoid the 100 biggest mistakes that poker players make then you will be 99% of the way towards NL Hold'em excellence. Over a period of 15 years, Alex Fitzgerald has taught literally thousands of poker students. He understands better than anyone the typical mistakes that are made and how to exploit them. He also has a gift for clear and simple explanations. When Alex tells you something – it is easy to remember.
EXTRAS GRAPHICS FROM THE BOOK The Myth of Poker Talent is a unique book and is the culmination of renowned poker trainer Alex Fitzgerald’s work with over 1000 students over a 10 year period. Alex has discovered what makes a winning poker player and here’s the good news… It has nothing to do with poker talent. If you want to excel at the game you’ll need to buy this book, study Alex’s method and work hard – but you don’t need talent. Alex’s method focuses on understanding generic poker situations and not specific hands. As a highly experienced teacher, he expresses his ideas in simple, easy-to-understand language. The Myth of Poker Talent will teach you: A “model of poker” built from scratch An understanding of every poker tool Why much of what experienced players think they know is actually wrong. … and much, much more.
EXTRAS Bonus Chapter Spreadsheets (20KB, XLS) GO TO HOLD’EMBOOK.COM FOR FULL DETAILS. Excelling at No-Limit Hold’em is a sensation in poker publishing. Renowned poker professional and author Jonathan Little brings together 17 of the greatest no-limit experts in the world to discuss all aspects of the game. These experts include superstars such as Phil Hellmuth, Chris Moneymaker, Mike Sexton and Jared Tendler. In Part 1 strategies are analysed for topics such as understanding the fundamentals, satellite play, lower-buy in events, analysing tells and moving up in stakes Part 2 sees a thorough technical breakdown of the game including sections on range analysis, game theory optimal play, short stack strategies, value betting and final table play. As any serious poker will confirm, the technical side is only half the battle and so Part 3 deals with mental toughness, psychology and understanding tilt. Excelling at No-Limit Hold‘em provides all the tools that an aspiring player needs to understand no-limit hold‘em. It is a must buy for anyone who is serious about wanting to improve their poker. CHAPTER DETAILS Chad Holloway - The post-boom evolution in poker Evan Jarvis - Equity, position and aggression Chris Moneymaker - Lower buy-in strategies Ed Miller – Moving up in stakes Scott Clements – General tournament concepts Matt Affleck - Advanced tournament strategies Bernard Lee – Satellite play Zachary Elwood - Understanding tells Alex Fitzgerald – In-depth range analysis Phil Hellmuth/Liv Boeree – Short stack strategies Jonathan Little - Value betting and Final table play Olivier Busquet - Heads-up play Will Tipton – Game theory optimal play Patricia Cardner – Mental toughness Jared Tendler - Eliminating tilt Elliot Roe - Poker hypnotherapy Mike Sexton – Great plays from great players
Does no one fold to your raises? Does no one even fold to your reraises? Is every pot you play multiway? Does it frustrate you that poker training NEVER seems designed for games you actually play? How To Beat Players Who Never Fold is the antidote to this problem. In this book, celebrated low-to-mid stakes coach Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald teaches you how to beat the games you actually play! No one folds to you? No problem! In this book, you will learn how to manufacture HUGE pots that BUST players who never fold. You'll learn specific bluffs that actually work versus players who are constantly chasing cards. Your game will NEVER be the same again. Learn how to beat the games you actually play - today!
Nowadays, many excellent poker books are available for players keen to improve their game. However, the vast majority are aimed at readers who are already sophisticated in their understanding of poker. This book is different. Improve Your Poker - Now! is aimed at players who love poker and have moved beyond the introductory level, but who may be flummoxed by terms like GTO, ICM, merged ranges, and blocker effects. These players want a clear, straightforward guide that improves their game - now! The authors, Topher Goggin and leading coach Alexander Fitzgerald, understand these needs and have crafted a book that is perfect for such players. There are no complex hand range charts to master, solvers are conspicuous only from their absence, and the advice is given in terms that are easy to understand. This practical guide is everything you need to succeed now, without everything else you don't. * Clear, concise language and straightforward instruction. * Easy-to-implement strategies. * Simple explanation of fundamental principles. Unlike elite players, who must study tirelessly to make even tiny improvements to their game, players at the “serious amateur” level can make tremendous advances with far less effort. This book will help you to do precisely that.
Many poker players can make good decisions at the table with a reasonable frequency. Nevertheless, there are numerous situations where even very experienced players behave in predictable ways. These deeply-ingrained habits lead them to make mistakes. The problem is that these situations won’t often arise at the table by chance – you have to make them happen. Exploitative Play in Live Poker is a ground-breaking work that teaches you how to create the circumstances where your opponents will be likely to blunder and how to exploit them when they do. To achieve this you will need to put to one side starting hand charts, balance and GTO (Game Theory Optimal) play. Instead you will incorporate new concepts that may well place you outside your comfort zone. However, your style will now be forcing the other players at the table outside of their comfort zone and, unlike you, they won’t know how to adapt. Learn how to: Counter the auto-continuation-bettor Develop a powerful donk-betting strategy Use the overbet, the check-raise and the three-barrel effectively As well as being a highly successful player, Alex Fitzgerald runs a poker consultancy that serves more than 1,000 professional poker players in 60 countries. As part of this work, he has very likely trawled through more hand history databases than anyone else. This gives him a unique insight into how players really play, especially when placed under pressure and forced into unfamiliar situations.