Books and Videos
Poker players make mistakes. All the time. And the mistakes they make are predictable and exploitable. The problem is, most people don't know what these mistakes are! No longer. In this book, the highly experienced professional player and leading poker coach, Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald identifies and analyzes the 100 BIGGEST mistakes that poker players make. Your opponents are certainly perpetuating these errors but you may be making some of them too. This book shows you how to identify and fix these leaks in your own game and also how to exploit the other players who are making them. If you can avoid the 100 biggest mistakes that poker players make then you will be 99% of the way towards NL Hold'em excellence. Over a period of 15 years, Alex Fitzgerald has taught literally thousands of poker students. He understands better than anyone the typical mistakes that are made and how to exploit them. He also has a gift for clear and simple explanations. When Alex tells you something – it is easy to remember.
Why do some poker players become immensely successful while others fall by the wayside? What is it that separates the successes from the failures? Is there a magic formula? Over the last 12 years, Lance Bradley has been one of poker’s leading journalists and now finds himself at the helm of as President and Editor-in-Chief. During his time covering the poker world, Bradley has interviewed hundreds, if not thousands, of the world’s best players. This experience has revealed one fascinating trend; contrary to what might be expected, there is no single guaranteed path to success. Each and every poker player featured in The Pursuit of Poker Success has taken their own route to becoming one of the world’s best players. The players interviewed for this book include World Series of Poker bracelet winners, World Poker Tour champions, online poker wizards and some of the best cash game players on the planet. Bradley spoke to each player about the way in which they found success in a game that can be humbling for so many. What worked for them can work for you.