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Welcome to the wonderful world of Pot Limit Omaha! With four hole cards instead of two, PLO is a far more nuanced game than No-Limit Hold’em and one that emphatically rewards greater skill. This makes it a very profitable game for serious players – especially when playing at the small stakes where recreational players consistently make expensive preflop and postflop mistakes. Mastering Small Stakes Pot-Limit Omaha is a thoroughly comprehensive guide that will give you all the tools you need to gain a huge edge at lower stakes play. Fernando “JNandez” Habegger is a successful high stakes professional player and leading PLO coach with his own training site at PLOMastermind.com. He has trained hundreds of players to become successful at PLO. In Mastering Small Stakes Pot-Limit Omaha, preflop play is broken down by identifying nine different hand categories and analysing how hands within each of them are handled preflop. Postflop analysis is based around the powerful technique of the Four Pillars of Postflop Play. The combination of these two creates a powerful gameplan that constitutes a fast track route to domination at the lower stakes. Further topics include adjusting to live play, PLO tournaments, building the right improvement habits, dealing with variance, and managing your PLO bankroll.
Mastering Small Stakes Cash Games is a book where the key word is “mastering”. The author, Evan Jarvis, is a professional poker player and highly respected poker coach. He takes a slightly different approach to that used by most poker coaches. The absolute fundamental, as always, is to help players master cash game play but Jarvis takes a holistic approach, recognising that being able to master people and master yourself are equally important in order to achieve poker success. In order to succeed in cash play it is essential to have a rock solid pre-flop and post-flop game-plan. However, there are other factors to successful play (e.g. game selection, seat selection, buy-in level etc.) that are often neglected. These can be equally important and are all addressed. Do you want to… Make a good side income from your hobby? Feel confident and in control when you play? Be satisfied with your performance at the end of every session, regardless of the outcome? Mastering Small Stakes Cash Games will help you achieve these aims and much more besides.
Love poker but looking for a change from endless No-Limit Hold’em? Take up mixed games! Mixed games are becoming more and more popular. The World Series of Poker features events such as Omaha 8-or-Better, Deuce to Seven Triple Draw, Razz, Stud High and Stud 8-or-Better – all of which are covered in detail in this book. There are also formats such as Dealer’s Choice, H.O.R.S.E., and 8-game, which require expertise in many of these games. Dylan Linde is a professional poker player and mixed games expert. In Mastering Mixed Games he gives a thorough introduction to each variant, explaining the rules and basic strategy before moving on to discuss advanced concepts. With this book you will specifically learn: solid pre-flop ranges and hand strategies how to apply generic concepts to each individual game how to recognise and exploit your opponents’ tendencies The basic themes of poker apply to all games and learning a new variant is, essentially, just understanding how to value new ranges in a new game. Mastering Mixed Games will enable you to join the whole new generation of players who are exploring the weird and wonderful world of mixed game poker.
INTRODUCTION TO MASTERING SMALL STAKES NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM There is a lot of money to be made at small stakes no-limit hold’em because… surprise, surprise… most of the players aren’t very good. However, few players understand exactly how to exploit these games. Competent players who generally play larger stakes will, of course, beat them. But they won’t beat them for nearly as much as they ought to. Why? Because they don’t understand how to adjust correctly. Playing a solid, competent, decently aggressive style is a strategy that will be profitable. That said, you should not be content with just beating these games - you should be absolutely crushing them. The trick to doing this is to disregard a lot of “correct” poker and get way out of line at the right times. The methods required are far from obvious or intuitive but in Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em Jonathan Little explains them in great detail. Jonathan constructs a basic strategy to crush small stakes games and also identifies the adjustments that need to be made when facing more competent opposition. You need this book if… You frequently play small stakes no-limit hold’em You usually play larger stakes but (especially live) often have to make do with smaller stakes games You play tournaments (such as WSOP events) that feature numerous recreational players