Books and Videos
Modern Poker Theory is a comprehensive, rigorous guide to the most important aspects of No-Limit Hold’em. It is based around an in-depth examination of what is meant by game theory optimal play (GTO) and how it can be applied at the table. Understanding GTO is fundamental to being able to make accurate poker decisions and being able to exploit players who don’t. Modern Poker Theory uses modern poker tools to develop a systematic approach to the analysis of GTO. It organizes the ideas and concepts in an intuitive manner that is totally focused to practical applications. Next time you are at a table some of the players will have studied Modern Poker Theory and some won’t. The players who have studied Modern Poker Theory will, without doubt, have a better theoretical and practical understanding of No-Limit Hold’em. They will be the favourites in the game. Make sure you are one of them. Michael Acevedo, one of the world’s leading poker theorists, is a game theory expert who is renowned for creating cutting-edge content for the world’s leading players. The production of Modern Poker Theory is the culmination of many thousands of hours of his research work with the most advanced poker software tools available. It is poker theory for the 21st century.
In 2019, D&B Poker published the ground-breaking work, Modern Poker Theory by leading poker theorist Michael Acevedo. This became an instant modern classic and many players regarded it as the greatest poker book ever written. Modern Poker Theory: The Tournament Workbook is the perfect companion volume. It is designed to be a completely practical guide to implementing GTO (game theory optimal) strategies at the table. It shows you how to apply the mechanics of GTO to any situation you encounter in tournaments, either pre-flop or post-flop. Fundamental GTO principles are analysed with an emphasis on applying the results to practical play. The opportunity to solve GTO puzzles then tests the reader’s knowledge and enables leaks to be fixed. The most profitable way to play poker is to have an exploitative style of play. However, such a style must be underpinned by a sound knowledge of GTO principles. This book will give you that knowledge.