Books and Videos

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Most small and medium stakes poker players have a decent grasp of no-limit hold'em. However, they almost always have a few substantial leaks in their strategy that keep them from winning at the game. If they could plug those leaks, they could easily become regular winners at their current stakes and potentially advance to the bigger games. Jonathan Little is a hugely successful poker player with over $7.5 million in live tournament earnings. Over the last 15 years he has dedicated himself to helping players improve their skills and he runs the immensely popular training site, His extensive experience coaching players has given him a deep understanding of what players do incorrectly and, more importantly, what they need to do to improve. That wisdom has been distilled into 100 Essential Tips to Master No-Limit Hold'em. If you think your poker skills could improve, you are probably right - and this book will show you how. This book will help you: Understand how to focus on ranges, not hands. Learn how to avoid being results-oriented. Simplify your strategies without losing equity. Exploit common mistakes your opponents make. Move up in stakes and stay there. ...and much, much more.  


No Limit Hold’em is an extremely complex game that is difficult to learn and even more difficult to teach. Many authors have produced works on this topic which are either too simplistic or far too complex to be of any practical use. Hunter Cichy has a unique ability to present advanced concepts in a manner that any committed student can understand and implement. In this cutting-edge work, Hunter outlines a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to poker analysis. His philosophy is built around the five key elements of poker theory. pot odds implied odds pot equity fold equity minimum defense frequency. Hunter examines each of these topics in depth and explains how they interact. By combining optimal opening ranges with clear explanations of math and game theory, Hunter presents a powerful strategy that is easy to implement and difficult to exploit. A careful study of the approach outlined in Advanced Concepts in No Limit Hold‘em will undoubtedly take your game to a higher level. 


No Limit Hold’em is a tough game to play well which is why it is the game of choice for the high-stakes pros. Unless a player has the table covered then at any moment their entire stack is vulnerable. The key to NLHE is understanding and exploiting this fact. Dominate No-Limit Hold’em will reveal the key plays that will enable you to take advantage of this opportunity. Daniel Ashman is a highly successful NLHE high-stakes player. In this book he reveals how the very best players think about the game and discusses many advanced concepts. There are great rewards in NLHE for the successful players. If you want a piece of the action you need Dominate No-Limit Hold’em. The basic ideas and math behind NLHE The psychology behind hand reading The skills to understand strategic play in NLHE How to understand and learn from real life high-stakes hands How to make sure you understand the concepts involved in NLHE …plus much more!


A lot of poker books promise instant success, screaming “Crush the online games” or “How I won a million dollars playing poker”. They suggest that poker is actually rather easy and that anyone with five minutes to spare can quickly gain expertise in the game. But you know that these claims simply aren’t true. To achieve mastery of poker is not easy – it requires a great deal of deep thinking. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em is a unique and remarkable book, providing a clear framework with which to analyse the game. The author Will Tipton, a PhD candidate at Cornell University, demonstrates how decision trees can be used to model complex poker decisions. Starting with simple preflop-only situations, he moves on to consider deeper concepts such as balance, the analysis of ranges, and the theory behind optimal bet sizing. Why study Heads Up No Limit? Because a deep understanding of this format is crucial for the modern poker player. It’s a very exciting game in its own right, but it’s also critical for the final stages of tournament or sit’n’go play. If you find yourself playing for first prize, you will be playing heads up for a great deal of money. Perfecting your play will give you the edge to maximise your expectation whether you are competing for the big money or grinding out your profit in heads up cash games or SNGs. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em will give you that edge by: helping you identify and maximally exploit opponents’ tendencies giving you a clear explanation of the practical application of theoretical ideas developing your intuition about game theory so that you can apply its lessons directly at the tables FOREWORD TO Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em I’ve been publishing books for over twenty years and poker books for more than ten. In that time I have commissioned hundreds of books and also received a great many unsolicited manuscripts. As you will probably guess, these have been – shall we say politely – of varying quality. If you’ve ever watched the X Factor auditions, you’ll probably get the idea. I was therefore not unduly excited when a manuscript on heads up no limit hold’em was forwarded to me earlier this year. I have been a serious poker player for ten years but I had never heard of the author. However, he seemed to have already written the whole book – which is unusual in itself. Unsolicited contributions are normally just a few pages or, at most, a chapter. So, I started to read through it. Within about ten minutes I had experienced what X Factor aficionados might call a “Susan Boyle moment”. I was reading one of the very best poker books I had ever seen and I knew absolutely that we would definitely want to publish it. Furthermore I could see that – quite remarkably – the book was already very close to the finished product. Heads Up No Limit is...


D&B Poker are pleased to be able to bring you the Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em video series - an extension of the book. The video series is 12 hours long, and is recommended viewing after reading the book. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’Em, Volume 1, was quickly identified by poker commentators as a ground-breaking work. By paring the game down to its bare essentials, Volume 1 provided a framework for analysing any poker situation and finding the most profitable response to any opponent strategy. In engaging these ideas, you understood important concepts such as equilibrium and balanced play. Volume 1 applied this methodology to preflop-only and river situations, and clearly explained a number of useful analytical techniques and deep poker concepts along the way. What is more – it showed why these ideas are crucial for implementing expert-level thought processes at the table. Will Tipton’s recently published book Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’em will surely redefine the literature of HU NLH Jack Welch,, on Volume 1 Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off, this time concentrating on early street play. It develops tools for planning strategies to be executed over multiple streets and provides careful analysis of situations that arise when smart players’ strategies interact. This will prepare you to execute pseudo-optimal and exploitative strategies in the myriad situations which can arise on the turn, flop, and pre-flop streets. If you are a heads-up NLHE player, or are looking to learn the increasingly popular format, then you finally have a book you can turn to. Steve Ruddock., on Volume 1 Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’Em, Volume 2, also features detailed discussions of the reads-gathering process and the principles behind winrate-maximising play. This book will give you the understanding and help you to develop the HUNL skills necessary to face whatever an opponent can throw at you. VOLUME 2 VIDEO PACK Anyone who has read Expert Heads Up No Limit knows that there is tons to learn from solving model games and analyzing the GTO strategies that result. The ability to solve large poker games was directly responsible for many of the insights in EHUNL and set it apart from poker advice available elsewhere. Unfortunately, this sort of work involves large computations, and software to perform these calculations was not publicly accessible – until now. This new video series will walk you through the development of computer code to solve for maximally exploitative and equilibrium strategies of arbitrary HUNL decision trees, to visualize the trees, and to investigate the resulting strategies and the EVs of playing them. You will learn to leverage the powerful but user-friendly iPython (interactive python) programming enviroment and create a tool that allows you to perform many of the calculations described in the books. Moreover, in learning how to build it rather than how to use a pre-existing software package, you will gain the understanding necessary to go beyond published work and to perform game theoretic studies of your...


Esta es la versión en español de Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em, Volume 1.  




Esta es la versión en español de Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em, Volume 1.  


Many poker players can make good decisions at the table with a reasonable frequency. Nevertheless, there are numerous situations where even very experienced players behave in predictable ways. These deeply-ingrained habits lead them to make mistakes. The problem is that these situations won’t often arise at the table by chance – you have to make them happen. Exploitative Play in Live Poker is a ground-breaking work that teaches you how to create the circumstances where your opponents will be likely to blunder and how to exploit them when they do. To achieve this you will need to put to one side starting hand charts, balance and GTO (Game Theory Optimal) play. Instead you will incorporate new concepts that may well place you outside your comfort zone. However, your style will now be forcing the other players at the table outside of their comfort zone and, unlike you, they won’t know how to adapt. Learn how to: Counter the auto-continuation-bettor Develop a powerful donk-betting strategy Use the overbet, the check-raise and the three-barrel effectively As well as being a highly successful player, Alex Fitzgerald runs a poker consultancy that serves more than 1,000 professional poker players in 60 countries. As part of this work, he has very likely trawled through more hand history databases than anyone else. This gives him a unique insight into how players really play, especially when placed under pressure and forced into unfamiliar situations. 


FossilMan’s Winning Tournament Strategies is the ultimate guide to practical tournament play. Greg “FossilMan” Raymer, winner of the WSOP Main Event in 2004, explains everything you need to know to become a successful tournament player. Raymer is not only a big winner at the tables, he also has a unique ability to explain difficult concepts in clear and simple language. Raymer simplfies the learning process by breaking down the complex subject of tournament strategy into the key areas. Chapters on strategy include: the Independent Chip Model (ICM), game theory, poker maths and pot odds, correct bet-sizing, playing the big stack and playing the short stack. However, Raymer does not focus merely on the correct technical aspects of standard NL tournament play. He also discusses many other important tournament formats that often confuse players. These include: how strategy changes in satellite and rebuy tournaments- how to play heads-up events and other uncommon formats and the one everyone wants to know about - how to play the Main Event.


Poker players are always told that to be successful, you have to play aggressively. What is not usually explained is just exactly how you are supposed to play aggressively. On the Final Table of the 2016 WSOP Main Event, Qui Nguyen destroyed the opposition with an absolute masterclass in aggressive play and walked away with the coveted gold bracelet as well as $8 million. If you want to understand what this mythical “playing aggressively” means in practical terms, then From Vietnam to Vegas will give you the answer. Many of the experienced professionals commentating for TV simply couldn’t understand Qui’s play. Antonio Esfandiari, who has won over $27 million in live play, commented, “I couldn’t get a read on Qui Nguyen if my life depended on it.” From Vietnam to Vegas tells the complete story behind Qui’s magnificent achievement. In this book Qui: reviews 176 key hands from his historic victory at the WSOP Final Table provides an in-depth analysis of his thought process on each hand relates the story of his life, from his early struggles in Vietnam through to his transition to a poker professional in Las Vegas. The book also includes commentary from Steve Blay, founder of and Qui Nguyen’s personal poker advisor at the final table. Blay’s commentary often analyzes the mathematical basis behind Qui’s decisions, and discusses practical ways to apply it to your own poker game. 


Pot-limit Hold’em is a major big bet poker variant which has increased hugely in popularity on both sides of the Atlantic over the past twenty years. Hold’em is a fascinating game in which each player receives two hole cards to complement the five community cards. This leads to complex and interesting play, and offers great possibilities for the expert player to outmanoeuvre weaker opposition. In pot-limit hold’em big bets can appear out of nowhere, thereby providing skilful players with the opportunity to apply pressure with bold bluffs and counter-bluffs. This book will be of tremendous value to anyone looking to improve their understanding of this exciting game. The material is presented in a novel ‘test-yourself’ format, which simulates live-action play by enabling readers to select the best course of action at each stage of a complete hand. They are then invited to compare their play with that of the experts, and assess their results through a unique scoring system. Pot-limit hold’em is an increasingly popular form of poker, about which there is little literature Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on the game Highly entertaining and instructive ‘test-yourself’ format Ideal primer for both online and live-action players. 


Does no one fold to your raises? Does no one even fold to your reraises? Is every pot you play multiway? Does it frustrate you that poker training NEVER seems designed for games you actually play? How To Beat Players Who Never Fold is the antidote to this problem. In this book, celebrated low-to-mid stakes coach Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald teaches you how to beat the games you actually play! No one folds to you? No problem! In this book, you will learn how to manufacture HUGE pots that BUST players who never fold. You'll learn specific bluffs that actually work versus players who are constantly chasing cards. Your game will NEVER be the same again. Learn how to beat the games you actually play - today!   


Nowadays, many excellent poker books are available for players keen to improve their game. However, the vast majority are aimed at readers who are already sophisticated in their understanding of poker. This book is different. Improve Your Poker - Now! is aimed at players who love poker and have moved beyond the introductory level, but who may be flummoxed by terms like GTO, ICM, merged ranges, and blocker effects. These players want a clear, straightforward guide that improves their game - now! The authors, Topher Goggin and leading coach Alexander Fitzgerald, understand these needs and have crafted a book that is perfect for such players. There are no complex hand range charts to master, solvers are conspicuous only from their absence, and the advice is given in terms that are easy to understand. This practical guide is everything you need to succeed now, without everything else you don't. * Clear, concise language and straightforward instruction. * Easy-to-implement strategies. * Simple explanation of fundamental principles. Unlike elite players, who must study tirelessly to make even tiny improvements to their game, players at the “serious amateur” level can make tremendous advances with far less effort. This book will help you to do precisely that.


What do you think about when you sit down to play live no-limit cash games? If it’s only your hand and how you should play it then you need to think again! There is much, much more to being a good live cash player than simply playing your hand “correctly”. You need to develop a whole host of other skills. Jonathan Little, a top-ranking professional poker player, will teach you these skills. Jonathan has justifiably gained a reputation as one of the best instructors the game has ever seen. He has an almost unique ability to explain difficult poker concepts in simple terms. Jonathan thoroughly examines the difficult topic of how to modify your play on all post-flop streets based on: The pre-flop action: limped, raised and re-raised pots have different dynamics Being in position or out of position Whether you are the aggressor Whether you have a strong made hand, a drawing hand or a bluff Jonathan analyzes the numerous different player types and explains how to adjust your game to play well against each of them. In Live No-Limit Cash Games Jonathan also discusses key “non-poker” concepts including:: Bankroll management Game selection Spotting and concealing tells Emotional control  


How well can you handle the complex situations that arise in live No-Limit cash game play? Leading professional Jonathan Little excels at this form of poker. Read this book and learn how to master the intricacies of this fascinating game. Jonathan’s first book in this series, Jonathan Little on Live no-Limit Cash Games, Volume 1: The Theory, outlined how the modern professional plays the game. Now Jonathan has produced a second volume, allowing players to test their understanding of the nuances of playing NL live. The question and answer format allows the reader to examine each individual hand, consider the relevant factors and formulate their thinking about the best line to take. In this way the reader can compare his or her thought processes with those of a top flight professional. No-Limit play is all about successfully adapting your strategy based on: The pre-flop action Whether you are the aggressor Whether you are in position The relative stack sizes at the table Testing yourself by going through the examples in this book will enable you to make these adaptations instinctive. 


EXTRAS Bonus Chapter Spreadsheets (20KB, XLS) GO TO HOLD’EMBOOK.COM FOR FULL DETAILS. Excelling at No-Limit Hold’em is a sensation in poker publishing. Renowned poker professional and author Jonathan Little brings together 17 of the greatest no-limit experts in the world to discuss all aspects of the game. These experts include superstars such as Phil Hellmuth, Chris Moneymaker, Mike Sexton and Jared Tendler. In Part 1 strategies are analysed for topics such as understanding the fundamentals, satellite play, lower-buy in events, analysing tells and moving up in stakes Part 2 sees a thorough technical breakdown of the game including sections on range analysis, game theory optimal play, short stack strategies, value betting and final table play. As any serious poker will confirm, the technical side is only half the battle and so Part 3 deals with mental toughness, psychology and understanding tilt. Excelling at No-Limit Hold‘em provides all the tools that an aspiring player needs to understand no-limit hold‘em. It is a must buy for anyone who is serious about wanting to improve their poker. CHAPTER DETAILS Chad Holloway - The post-boom evolution in poker Evan Jarvis - Equity, position and aggression Chris Moneymaker - Lower buy-in strategies Ed Miller – Moving up in stakes Scott Clements – General tournament concepts Matt Affleck - Advanced tournament strategies Bernard Lee – Satellite play Zachary Elwood - Understanding tells Alex Fitzgerald – In-depth range analysis Phil Hellmuth/Liv Boeree – Short stack strategies Jonathan Little - Value betting and Final table play Olivier Busquet - Heads-up play Will Tipton – Game theory optimal play Patricia Cardner – Mental toughness Jared Tendler - Eliminating tilt Elliot Roe - Poker hypnotherapy Mike Sexton – Great plays from great players


Excelling at Tough No-Limit Hold’em Games is a must-have if you have ambitions to move up the stakes. Renowned poker player and leading coach Jonathan Little brings together ten No-Limit experts to provide cutting-edge information for the keen student. All the authors are established coaches for, the prominent backing company that features an immense private training site for backees. Pocarr has helped numerous players climb the poker ladder and succeed at the highest levels in events such as the WCOOP (World Championship of Online Poker) and SCOOP (Spring Championship of Online Poker). Success beyond the lower stakes demands a highly specific skill set. Excelling at Tough No-Limit Hold’em Games will show you how to develop this so you can rise to the top of the game. Topics include: Quick tips for beating the low stakes games Adjusting your preflop strategy When to c-bet (continuation bet) How to defend against c-bets Navigating multi-way pots Basic ICM (Independent Chip Model) and advanced ICM Medium stacked final table strategies Strategies to crush live poker Excelling at Tough No-Limit Hold’em Games is the essential guide for anyone who is serious about wanting to succeed at the high stakes and make a significant income from poker. AUTHORS: Jonathan Little Alex ‘msusyr24’ Carr Alexandre ‘Cavalito’ Mantovani Ben ‘BennyBills’ Shuster Bert ‘girafganger7’ Stevens Jon ‘apestyles’ Van Fleet Luiz ‘AcePheres’ Feres Mat ‘AussieStar’ Brown Richard ‘ChipsFool’ Hoadley Rob Tinnion Vlada ‘Vlada2108’ Stojanović 


Mastering Small Stakes Cash Games is a book where the key word is “mastering”. The author, Evan Jarvis, is a professional poker player and highly respected poker coach. He takes a slightly different approach to that used by most poker coaches. The absolute fundamental, as always, is to help players master cash game play but Jarvis takes a holistic approach, recognising that being able to master people and master yourself are equally important in order to achieve poker success. In order to succeed in cash play it is essential to have a rock solid pre-flop and post-flop game-plan. However, there are other factors to successful play (e.g. game selection, seat selection, buy-in level etc.) that are often neglected. These can be equally important and are all addressed. Do you want to… Make a good side income from your hobby? Feel confident and in control when you play? Be satisfied with your performance at the end of every session, regardless of the outcome? Mastering Small Stakes Cash Games will help you achieve these aims and much more besides.   


INTRODUCTION TO MASTERING SMALL STAKES NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM There is a lot of money to be made at small stakes no-limit hold’em because… surprise, surprise… most of the players aren’t very good. However, few players understand exactly how to exploit these games. Competent players who generally play larger stakes will, of course, beat them. But they won’t beat them for nearly as much as they ought to. Why? Because they don’t understand how to adjust correctly. Playing a solid, competent, decently aggressive style is a strategy that will be profitable. That said, you should not be content with just beating these games - you should be absolutely crushing them. The trick to doing this is to disregard a lot of “correct” poker and get way out of line at the right times. The methods required are far from obvious or intuitive but in Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em Jonathan Little explains them in great detail. Jonathan constructs a basic strategy to crush small stakes games and also identifies the adjustments that need to be made when facing more competent opposition. You need this book if… You frequently play small stakes no-limit hold’em You usually play larger stakes but (especially live) often have to make do with smaller stakes games You play tournaments (such as WSOP events) that feature numerous recreational players    


It is well known that tournaments are almost always the most profitable form of poker for skilled players. The considerable prize money on offer usually means that many of the participants (especially in the small stakes events) are amateurs with limited poker skills and experience who are hoping to get lucky. This scenario has the potential to be a very profitable one for players with a good understanding of tournament strategy. Playing good solid poker will undoubtedly be profitable but may also leave a lot of money on the table. In order to maximize Expected Value in all situations (the key to becoming a really successful tournament player) it is crucial to understand the mistakes the weaker players are making and exploit them ruthlessly. In Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Tournaments Lexy Gavin-Mather, a professional player and well known coach, outlines a solid basic strategy for tournament play at the small stakes and also identifies how and when to adjust profitably. If you play a lot of small stakes tournaments this book will prove invaluable in fine tuning your game and turning you from a tournament winner into a tournament crusher.     
