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Most small and medium stakes poker players have a decent grasp of no-limit hold'em. However, they almost always have a few substantial leaks in their strategy that keep them from winning at the game. If they could plug those leaks, they could easily become regular winners at their current stakes and potentially advance to the bigger games. Jonathan Little is a hugely successful poker player with over $7.5 million in live tournament earnings. Over the last 15 years he has dedicated himself to helping players improve their skills and he runs the immensely popular training site, His extensive experience coaching players has given him a deep understanding of what players do incorrectly and, more importantly, what they need to do to improve. That wisdom has been distilled into 100 Essential Tips to Master No-Limit Hold'em. If you think your poker skills could improve, you are probably right - and this book will show you how. This book will help you: Understand how to focus on ranges, not hands. Learn how to avoid being results-oriented. Simplify your strategies without losing equity. Exploit common mistakes your opponents make. Move up in stakes and stay there. ...and much, much more.  


So you want to play poker. Maybe it’s the challenge. Maybe it’s the cash. Maybe you’re turned on by guys in hoodies and sunglasses. Whatever the reason, if you’re a girl – or guy! – who wants to learn poker, then this book is handier than your high school cheat sheet. Learn everything from insider poker lingo (bluff! checkraise! snapcall!) to fancy winning plays with the help of easy-to-read mini-chapters and quizzes. Most poker books read like a math textbook. This one reads like Cosmo. The only poker book that teaches card playing strategy and how to bluff your boyfriend, A Girl’s Guide to Poker will make you the belle of the ball – or the cardshark of the casino. Amanda Botfeld isn’t your average poker player – how many hold their cards with a red nail polish manicure? Not enough! Nicknamed the Bridget Jones of poker, she seeks to turn the tables for women everywhere, writing a sassy how-to guide so more women can join the game. A writer at heart, her work has previously been published in the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Huffington Post.


No Limit Hold’em is an extremely complex game that is difficult to learn and even more difficult to teach. Many authors have produced works on this topic which are either too simplistic or far too complex to be of any practical use. Hunter Cichy has a unique ability to present advanced concepts in a manner that any committed student can understand and implement. In this cutting-edge work, Hunter outlines a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to poker analysis. His philosophy is built around the five key elements of poker theory. pot odds implied odds pot equity fold equity minimum defense frequency. Hunter examines each of these topics in depth and explains how they interact. By combining optimal opening ranges with clear explanations of math and game theory, Hunter presents a powerful strategy that is easy to implement and difficult to exploit. A careful study of the approach outlined in Advanced Concepts in No Limit Hold‘em will undoubtedly take your game to a higher level. 


Advanced Limit Hold’em Strategy is a revolutionary book. Top limit hold’em players have techniques that have never been fully explained… until now. Barry Tanenbaum has played winning middle limit hold’em for over twenty years, and has been a full time professional for six. One of America’s top poker coaches, he fully understands these techniques and, in this book, he explains them. Barry breaks advanced techniques into fundamental factors with clear instructions on how you can implement them to make much better decisions. Advanced Limit Hold’em Strategy includes: An examination of the techniques used by top players to create confusion and score extra profit. An analysis of ‘card-independent’ strategies explains how to analyze all of the situational factors before you even consider your cards. A comprehensive coverage of blind play. In complex situations, many authors will simply tell you, it depends. As a professional player and coach, Barry tells you what it depends on, and what to do about it. This is not a book for beginners, but if you already play and want to understand advanced plays that win more money, this book will tell you how. Barry is a noted Card Player columnist, having written over 60 columns and has been a featured speaker at three consecutive World Poker Player Conferences. 


Five years ago Internet Poker barely existed. Now, a poker revolution has occurred and at any given moment tens of thousands of players are playing poker for real money from their own homes. There are dozens of sites offering hundreds of different games. Whether you want to play for big stakes, modest stakes or just for fun money, you can log on and find a suitable live game within seconds. There are many variants of Poker but Limit Hold’em is the game. Approximately 75% of on-line players are playing Limit Hold’em. If you want to join them, then this is the book for you. Most people have a rough idea how to play poker, but the Beginners Guide to Limit Hold’em assumes no prior knowledge and builds from the absolute basics. Experienced author and successful on-line poker player Byron Jacobs provides newcomers to the game with a thorough grounding in the rules and the basic principles. The Beginners Guide to Limit Hold’em deals with every aspect of playing limit hold’em on-line including the rules, etiquette, basic strategy, bankroll management and site and game selection. Poker is a fun game, but it is more fun when you win. This book will provide you with sufficient knowledge to commence your poker career as a winning player at small stakes games. Learn Limit Hold’em from scratch or brush up on the basics Extensive hints and tips make key advice easy to remember Numerous problems allow you to guage your understanding of key ideas


New fully revised and updated edition, complete with 2 brand new chapters. Developed over a period of 100 years, the Alexander Technique has helped people to successfully manage a wide variety of conditions, including back pain, stress, anxiety, ME, and asthma. The Alexander Technique is not a therapy or an exercise program. It is an in-depth study of how human reaction, co-ordination and movement play a part in everything we do. It has enhanced the performance of athletes, actors, singers and musicians. Body, Breath and Being explores the Alexander Technique through the experiences of those who have studied it and benefited from it. Ideal for both beginner and expert Includes over 100 full colour photographs and diagrams Provides practical experiments in every chapter Body, Breath and Being offers a new view of the way we use our bodies and the consequences not only on our health, but also our approach to life. 


From $10-$100 you can now offer a D&B Poker gift card to your favourite poker enthusiast! Simply add the gift card to your checkout.  


No Limit Hold’em is a tough game to play well which is why it is the game of choice for the high-stakes pros. Unless a player has the table covered then at any moment their entire stack is vulnerable. The key to NLHE is understanding and exploiting this fact. Dominate No-Limit Hold’em will reveal the key plays that will enable you to take advantage of this opportunity. Daniel Ashman is a highly successful NLHE high-stakes player. In this book he reveals how the very best players think about the game and discusses many advanced concepts. There are great rewards in NLHE for the successful players. If you want a piece of the action you need Dominate No-Limit Hold’em. The basic ideas and math behind NLHE The psychology behind hand reading The skills to understand strategic play in NLHE How to understand and learn from real life high-stakes hands How to make sure you understand the concepts involved in NLHE …plus much more!


A lot of poker books promise instant success, screaming “Crush the online games” or “How I won a million dollars playing poker”. They suggest that poker is actually rather easy and that anyone with five minutes to spare can quickly gain expertise in the game. But you know that these claims simply aren’t true. To achieve mastery of poker is not easy – it requires a great deal of deep thinking. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em is a unique and remarkable book, providing a clear framework with which to analyse the game. The author Will Tipton, a PhD candidate at Cornell University, demonstrates how decision trees can be used to model complex poker decisions. Starting with simple preflop-only situations, he moves on to consider deeper concepts such as balance, the analysis of ranges, and the theory behind optimal bet sizing. Why study Heads Up No Limit? Because a deep understanding of this format is crucial for the modern poker player. It’s a very exciting game in its own right, but it’s also critical for the final stages of tournament or sit’n’go play. If you find yourself playing for first prize, you will be playing heads up for a great deal of money. Perfecting your play will give you the edge to maximise your expectation whether you are competing for the big money or grinding out your profit in heads up cash games or SNGs. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em will give you that edge by: helping you identify and maximally exploit opponents’ tendencies giving you a clear explanation of the practical application of theoretical ideas developing your intuition about game theory so that you can apply its lessons directly at the tables FOREWORD TO Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold ‘em I’ve been publishing books for over twenty years and poker books for more than ten. In that time I have commissioned hundreds of books and also received a great many unsolicited manuscripts. As you will probably guess, these have been – shall we say politely – of varying quality. If you’ve ever watched the X Factor auditions, you’ll probably get the idea. I was therefore not unduly excited when a manuscript on heads up no limit hold’em was forwarded to me earlier this year. I have been a serious poker player for ten years but I had never heard of the author. However, he seemed to have already written the whole book – which is unusual in itself. Unsolicited contributions are normally just a few pages or, at most, a chapter. So, I started to read through it. Within about ten minutes I had experienced what X Factor aficionados might call a “Susan Boyle moment”. I was reading one of the very best poker books I had ever seen and I knew absolutely that we would definitely want to publish it. Furthermore I could see that – quite remarkably – the book was already very close to the finished product. Heads Up No Limit is...


D&B Poker are pleased to be able to bring you the Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em video series - an extension of the book. The video series is 12 hours long, and is recommended viewing after reading the book. Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’Em, Volume 1, was quickly identified by poker commentators as a ground-breaking work. By paring the game down to its bare essentials, Volume 1 provided a framework for analysing any poker situation and finding the most profitable response to any opponent strategy. In engaging these ideas, you understood important concepts such as equilibrium and balanced play. Volume 1 applied this methodology to preflop-only and river situations, and clearly explained a number of useful analytical techniques and deep poker concepts along the way. What is more – it showed why these ideas are crucial for implementing expert-level thought processes at the table. Will Tipton’s recently published book Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’em will surely redefine the literature of HU NLH Jack Welch,, on Volume 1 Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 left off, this time concentrating on early street play. It develops tools for planning strategies to be executed over multiple streets and provides careful analysis of situations that arise when smart players’ strategies interact. This will prepare you to execute pseudo-optimal and exploitative strategies in the myriad situations which can arise on the turn, flop, and pre-flop streets. If you are a heads-up NLHE player, or are looking to learn the increasingly popular format, then you finally have a book you can turn to. Steve Ruddock., on Volume 1 Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’Em, Volume 2, also features detailed discussions of the reads-gathering process and the principles behind winrate-maximising play. This book will give you the understanding and help you to develop the HUNL skills necessary to face whatever an opponent can throw at you. VOLUME 2 VIDEO PACK Anyone who has read Expert Heads Up No Limit knows that there is tons to learn from solving model games and analyzing the GTO strategies that result. The ability to solve large poker games was directly responsible for many of the insights in EHUNL and set it apart from poker advice available elsewhere. Unfortunately, this sort of work involves large computations, and software to perform these calculations was not publicly accessible – until now. This new video series will walk you through the development of computer code to solve for maximally exploitative and equilibrium strategies of arbitrary HUNL decision trees, to visualize the trees, and to investigate the resulting strategies and the EVs of playing them. You will learn to leverage the powerful but user-friendly iPython (interactive python) programming enviroment and create a tool that allows you to perform many of the calculations described in the books. Moreover, in learning how to build it rather than how to use a pre-existing software package, you will gain the understanding necessary to go beyond published work and to perform game theoretic studies of your...


Esta es la versión en español de Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em, Volume 1.  




Esta es la versión en español de Expert Heads Up No-Limit Hold’em, Volume 1.  


Many poker players can make good decisions at the table with a reasonable frequency. Nevertheless, there are numerous situations where even very experienced players behave in predictable ways. These deeply-ingrained habits lead them to make mistakes. The problem is that these situations won’t often arise at the table by chance – you have to make them happen. Exploitative Play in Live Poker is a ground-breaking work that teaches you how to create the circumstances where your opponents will be likely to blunder and how to exploit them when they do. To achieve this you will need to put to one side starting hand charts, balance and GTO (Game Theory Optimal) play. Instead you will incorporate new concepts that may well place you outside your comfort zone. However, your style will now be forcing the other players at the table outside of their comfort zone and, unlike you, they won’t know how to adapt. Learn how to: Counter the auto-continuation-bettor Develop a powerful donk-betting strategy Use the overbet, the check-raise and the three-barrel effectively As well as being a highly successful player, Alex Fitzgerald runs a poker consultancy that serves more than 1,000 professional poker players in 60 countries. As part of this work, he has very likely trawled through more hand history databases than anyone else. This gives him a unique insight into how players really play, especially when placed under pressure and forced into unfamiliar situations. 


FossilMan’s Winning Tournament Strategies is the ultimate guide to practical tournament play. Greg “FossilMan” Raymer, winner of the WSOP Main Event in 2004, explains everything you need to know to become a successful tournament player. Raymer is not only a big winner at the tables, he also has a unique ability to explain difficult concepts in clear and simple language. Raymer simplfies the learning process by breaking down the complex subject of tournament strategy into the key areas. Chapters on strategy include: the Independent Chip Model (ICM), game theory, poker maths and pot odds, correct bet-sizing, playing the big stack and playing the short stack. However, Raymer does not focus merely on the correct technical aspects of standard NL tournament play. He also discusses many other important tournament formats that often confuse players. These include: how strategy changes in satellite and rebuy tournaments- how to play heads-up events and other uncommon formats and the one everyone wants to know about - how to play the Main Event.


Poker players are always told that to be successful, you have to play aggressively. What is not usually explained is just exactly how you are supposed to play aggressively. On the Final Table of the 2016 WSOP Main Event, Qui Nguyen destroyed the opposition with an absolute masterclass in aggressive play and walked away with the coveted gold bracelet as well as $8 million. If you want to understand what this mythical “playing aggressively” means in practical terms, then From Vietnam to Vegas will give you the answer. Many of the experienced professionals commentating for TV simply couldn’t understand Qui’s play. Antonio Esfandiari, who has won over $27 million in live play, commented, “I couldn’t get a read on Qui Nguyen if my life depended on it.” From Vietnam to Vegas tells the complete story behind Qui’s magnificent achievement. In this book Qui: reviews 176 key hands from his historic victory at the WSOP Final Table provides an in-depth analysis of his thought process on each hand relates the story of his life, from his early struggles in Vietnam through to his transition to a poker professional in Las Vegas. The book also includes commentary from Steve Blay, founder of and Qui Nguyen’s personal poker advisor at the final table. Blay’s commentary often analyzes the mathematical basis behind Qui’s decisions, and discusses practical ways to apply it to your own poker game. 


Every time you call when you should fold, you’re giving away money. Every time you fold when you should call, you’re giving away money. In this innovative book Rolf Slotboom and Dew Mason provide a comprehensive guide to playing drawing hands after the flop in hold’em. Their methodical approach to playing on the come. will provide you with a thorough grounding in post-flop play, enabling you to make the correct decisions in determining whether or not you should remain in the hand. Hold’em on the Come answers such key limit hold’em questions as: What should I do with a flush or straight draw? How should I play with unimproved overcards? How do I count outs, and what are the criteria for counting them as full outs? What is the impact of the size of the pot on your decision? All leading to this all-important question: Do I belong in the pot or not? The authors provide you with an in-depth analysis of drawing hands, leading to a simple but effective system that at all stages will help you see where you’re at, which in turn should help your overall results tremendously. 


There are numerous variants of Poker but the most popular, both in cardrooms and on-line, is Limit Hold ‘em. There are literally thousands of tables permanently available on-line and anyone who wants a game can play anywhere in the world at any time. This book will be of tremendous value to anyone who has some experience of Limit Hold’Em and is looking to improve their understanding of this exciting game. The material is presented in a novel test-yourself format, which simulates live action play by inviting the reader to consider the best course of action at each stage of a hand. All features of the game are discussed within the hands and readers can assess their understanding by comparing their decisions with those of the experts. Limit Hold’em is the most popular form of Poker Highly entertaining and instructive test-yourself format Ideal primer for both on-line and live action players


Pot-limit Hold’em is a major big bet poker variant which has increased hugely in popularity on both sides of the Atlantic over the past twenty years. Hold’em is a fascinating game in which each player receives two hole cards to complement the five community cards. This leads to complex and interesting play, and offers great possibilities for the expert player to outmanoeuvre weaker opposition. In pot-limit hold’em big bets can appear out of nowhere, thereby providing skilful players with the opportunity to apply pressure with bold bluffs and counter-bluffs. This book will be of tremendous value to anyone looking to improve their understanding of this exciting game. The material is presented in a novel ‘test-yourself’ format, which simulates live-action play by enabling readers to select the best course of action at each stage of a complete hand. They are then invited to compare their play with that of the experts, and assess their results through a unique scoring system. Pot-limit hold’em is an increasingly popular form of poker, about which there is little literature Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on the game Highly entertaining and instructive ‘test-yourself’ format Ideal primer for both online and live-action players. 


Pot-limit Omaha is a major big bet poker variant which has increased hugely in popularity on both sides of the Atlantic over the past twenty years. Omaha is a fascinating game in which each player receives four hole cards (as opposed to just two in hold’em) to complement the five community cards. This leads to complex and interesting play, and offers great possibilities for the expert player to outmanoeuvre weaker opposition. In pot-limit Omaha big bets can appear out of nowhere, thereby providing skilful players with the opportunity to apply pressure with bold bluffs and counter-bluffs. This book will be of tremendous value to anyone looking to improve their understanding of this exciting game. The material is presented in a novel ‘test-yourself’ format, which simulates live-action play by enabling readers to select the best course of action at each stage of a complete hand. They are then invited to compare their play with that of the experts, and assess their results through a unique scoring system. Pot-limit Omaha is an increasingly popular form of poker, about which there is little literature Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on the game Highly entertaining and instructive ‘test-yourself’ format Ideal primer for both online and live-action players.


Does no one fold to your raises? Does no one even fold to your reraises? Is every pot you play multiway? Does it frustrate you that poker training NEVER seems designed for games you actually play? How To Beat Players Who Never Fold is the antidote to this problem. In this book, celebrated low-to-mid stakes coach Alexander "Assassinato" Fitzgerald teaches you how to beat the games you actually play! No one folds to you? No problem! In this book, you will learn how to manufacture HUGE pots that BUST players who never fold. You'll learn specific bluffs that actually work versus players who are constantly chasing cards. Your game will NEVER be the same again. Learn how to beat the games you actually play - today!   
