Advanced Concepts in No-Limit Hold'em

Advanced Concepts in No-Limit Hold'em

A Modern Approach to Poker Analysis

Hunter Cichy 272 pages

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No Limit Hold’em is an extremely complex game that is difficult to learn and even more difficult to teach. Many authors have produced works on this topic which are either too simplistic or far too complex to be of any practical use. Hunter Cichy has a unique ability to present advanced concepts in a manner that any committed student can understand and implement.

In this cutting-edge work, Hunter outlines a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to poker analysis. His philosophy is built around the five key elements of poker theory.

  • pot odds
  • implied odds
  • pot equity
  • fold equity
  • minimum defense frequency.

Hunter examines each of these topics in depth and explains how they interact. By combining optimal opening ranges with clear explanations of math and game theory, Hunter presents a powerful strategy that is easy to implement and difficult to exploit.

A careful study of the approach outlined in Advanced Concepts in No Limit Hold‘em will undoubtedly take your game to a higher level. 

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This premium coaching package contains three training videos and over four hours of strategy content intended to be used as an Advanced Concepts in No Limit Hold’em companion guide. Hunter Cichy believes in embracing everyone’s unique learning style by presenting content across several mediums so visual, auditory and tactile learners alike can gain from his teachings. The training videos outlined below contain extremely valuable information that has never been presented to the public and can only be accessed through this video pack. 


Video #1: Math Why imperfect information makes poker a sustainable business. Embracing chaos to account for known unknowns and unknown unknowns. How a finite number of cards, pips and suits produces combinatorial tactics. How a finite number of flops, turns and rivers produces raw equity calculations. How limited bet sizes allowed artificial intelligence to approximate optimal play. Why you should study mental math to improve your in-game decision-making process. Visualizing pot odds, fold equity and minimum defense frequency to make them tangible. 


Video #2: Pre-Flop Optimal opening ranges and rules for common exploitative adjustments. Algorithms for constructing isolation ranges against one or more limpers. Flatting and 3-betting ranges with a detailed board coverage discussion. 4-betting and cold 4-betting ranges versus late position 3-bets. 5-betting ranges and rules for informationally deprived environments. Small blind defense ranges with advice on 3-betting out of position at a higher frequency. Big blind defense ranges with advice on check-calling flops at a higher frequency. 


Video #3: Post-Flop Learning to play blindfolded poker to enhance your sensory capabilities. Protocols, guidelines and critical thinking skills for disruptive environments. Stress inoculation methods developed by the military for fighter pilot training. Psychological warfare used to emotionally and financially bankrupt your adversaries. Experimenting with exploitative defaults that can’t be detected without a HUD. Mitigating the downside of being “re-exploited” to trigger asymmetric outcomes. Returning to optimal play to regroup and gather more information on the opposition. 


Summary Whether you’re a small stakes enthusiast or a high stakes crusher, a multi-table tournament grinder or a mixed games expert, you are certain to gain from the information presented in these videos because although No Limit Texas Hold’em cash game examples are used for these teachings, the underlying philosophy applies to every variant of poker, financial planning methods and project management decisions of all types. 


The $45 investment you make today will pay for itself in the first hour at the poker table and if you fully commit to the program, the steps systematically outlined for continuous improvement will open the door to exponential gains. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your game to the next level!

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